About ReactiveCouchbase
ReactiveCouchbase is a scala driver that provides non-blocking and asynchronous I/O operations on top of Couchbase. ReactiveCouchbase is designed to avoid blocking on each database operations. Every operation returns immediately, using the elegant Scala Future API to resume execution when it’s over. With this driver, accessing the database is not an issue for performance anymore. ReactiveCouchbase is also highly focused on streaming data in and out from your Couchbase servers using the very nice ReactiveStreams on top of Akka Streams.
Work in progress
ReactiveCouchbase RS (ReactiveStreams edition) is currently under heavy development. If you want to try it, add a resolver to your build.sbt
resolvers += "reactivecouchbase-rs-snapshots" at "https://raw.github.com/ReactiveCouchbase/reactivecouchbase-rs-core/master/repository/snapshots"
resolvers += "reactivecouchbase-rs-releases" at "https://raw.github.com/ReactiveCouchbase/reactivecouchbase-rs-core/master/repository/releases"
or you can build it to get the nice goodies
git clone https://github.com/ReactiveCouchbase/reactivecouchbase-rs-core.git
cd reactivecouchbase-rs-core
sbt ';clean;compile;publish-local'
then in your project add the following dependency
libraryDependencies += "org.reactivecouchbase" %% "reactivecouchbase-rs-core" % "1.0.0"
or the latest snpashot
libraryDependencies += "org.reactivecouchbase" %% "reactivecouchbase-rs-core" % "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
and you’re ready to go
If you encounter any issue during build or usage, just let me know.
Simple example
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import org.reactivecouchbase.rs.scaladsl.{N1qlQuery, ReactiveCouchbase}
import org.reactivecouchbase.rs.scaladsl.json._
import play.api.libs.json._
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Sink
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
object ReactiveCouchbaseTest extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("ReactiveCouchbaseSystem")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer.create(system)
implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
val driver = ReactiveCouchbase(ConfigFactory.parseString(
|buckets {
| default {
| name = "default"
| hosts = [""]
| }
val bucket = driver.bucket("default")
val future = for {
_ <- bucket.insert[JsValue]("key1",
Json.obj("message" -> "Hello World", "type" -> "doc"))
doc <- bucket.get("key1")
exists <- bucket.exists("key1")
docs <- bucket.search(
N1qlQuery("select message from default where type = $type")
.on(Json.obj("type" -> "doc")).asQueryParams)
messages <- bucket.search(
N1qlQuery("select message from default where type = 'doc'"))
.asSource.map(doc => (doc \ "message").as[String].toUpperCase)
_ <- driver.terminate()
} yield (doc, exists, docs)
future.map {
case (_, _, docs) => println(s"found $docs")
What about a PlayFramework plugin ?
I don’t think you actually need a plugin, if you want to use it from Play Framework, you can define a service to access your buckets like the following :
import javax.inject._
import play.api.inject.ApplicationLifecycle
import play.api.Configuration
import org.reactivecouchbase.rs.scaladsl._
class Couchbase @Inject()(configuration: Configuration,
lifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle) {
private val driver =
def bucket(name: String): Bucket = driver.bucket(name)
lifecycle.addStopHook { () =>
so you can define a controller like the following
import javax.inject._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import org.reactivecouchbase.rs.scaladsl.json._
import play.api.mvc._
import akka.stream.Materializer
import play.api.libs.json._
class ApiController @Inject()(couchbase: Couchbase)
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, materializer: Materializer) extends Controller {
def eventsBucket = couchbase.bucket("events")
def events(filter: Option[String] = None) = Action {
val source = eventsBucket
"select id, payload, date, params, type from events where type = $type"
.on(Json.obj("type" -> filter.getOrElse("doc")).asQueryParams)
.intersperse("[", ",", "]")
What if I want to use a JSON lib other than Play Json ?
you can easily do that, actually everything linked to Play Json is imported from
import org.reactivecouchbase.rs.scaladsl.json._
then you just have to reimplement a few things
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.couchbase.client.java.document.json.JsonObject
import org.reactivecouchbase.rs.scaladsl.json.{JsonReads, JsonWrites, JsonSuccess, QueryParams}
import foo.bar.jsonlib.{JsonNode, JsonObj}
val read: JsonReads[JsonNode] = JsonReads(bs => JsonSuccess(JsonNode.parse(bs.utf8String)))
val write: JsonWrites[JsonNode] = JsonWrites(jsv => ByteString(JsonNode.stringify(jsv)))
implicit val defaultByteStringFormat: JsonFormat[JsonNode] = JsonFormat(read, write)
implicit val defaultByteStringConverter: CouchbaseJsonDocConverter[JsonNode] = new CouchbaseJsonDocConverter[JsonNode] {
override def convert(ref: AnyRef): JsonNode = ...
case class JsonObjQueryParams(query: JsonObj = ByteString.empty) extends QueryParams {
override def isEmpty: Boolean = !query.hasValue
override def toJsonObject: JsonObject = ...
You have a few examples at
- https://github.com/ReactiveCouchbase/reactivecouchbase-rs-core/blob/master/src/main/scala/org/reactivecouchbase/rs/scaladsl/json/package.scala
- https://github.com/ReactiveCouchbase/reactivecouchbase-rs-core/blob/master/src/main/scala/org/reactivecouchbase/rs/scaladsl/json/bytestring.scala
- https://github.com/ReactiveCouchbase/reactivecouchbase-rs-core/blob/master/src/main/scala/org/reactivecouchbase/rs/scaladsl/json/converter.scala#L21-L31
The core of ReactiveCouchbase RS is available on Gihtub and depends on Play Json library and Akka Streams
- ReactiveCouchbase organisation on GitHub
- Tickets are on GitHub. Feel free to report any bug you find or to make pull requests.
- ReactiveCouchbase on Google Groups